Monday, 5 July 2010

The End :(

I am sorry to say that this is the end of my story for the simple reason that I don't have the time. Doing this for the short time has made me realise how much effort actually goes into the blogs I read such as Johnny's and Lye's. I apologise for this but the main reason is that I am coming into my second GCSE year and I won't have the time.
Thank You for your patience


  1. Hi Matt, sorry to hear that but i think your studies is the priority at the moment. Nevertheless i hope to see you writing another story next time.

  2. Thanks Lye. I noticed that you have been a regular commenter and I thank you for that. But you are right, I must prioritise

  3. @Matt, sorry to hear that Matt. I have just finished my 'big' exams a few weeks ago but I think English schooling is different to Irish schooling like we get a far longer summer than ye etc. Goodluck in your exams mate. Also, I've my own blog called 'Sears's Blog', it's on Johnny's links page so take a look if you wish. Goodluck.

  4. Thanks Sears I will take a look :)

  5. Good luck with the exams Matt!
