Sunday, 6 June 2010


Hello everyone
This is my first ever post on my blog and it is great to get started! My first story (hopefully of many) will be a journeyman international story and I will start with one of the worst countries from the 6 continents and it is up to you. The choices are in the poll in the right hand side column. When I have taken that country as far as I think I can I will move up to a better team when a job becomes available. Finally thank you for visiting the site and hopefully it will grow over time :)


  1. Hi Matt, i have put my vote on Bolivia. Good luck on your story and blog as well. I will drop by often to take a look on how you progress.

  2. Thanks Lye and my first ever commet as well :)

  3. Hello Matt
    I voted for Bolivia to. At least you will have some chance of success out of that bunch :)

  4. Hi thanks for the vote. I could maybe have success but they are the worst team in South America so it won't be easy. Also good luck with Huddersfield :)
